Adventures with Aster

Settling In: Life With Aster

I’m very happy to report that after a few months of Aster living with us, life around the Altitude to Adelaide household has settled, more or less, into a routine and Aster is turning into a very good girl.   Four Months Old May was an interesting month with some ups and downs. We went to […]

Adventures with Aster

Camping With a Puppy

Yes! It is possible to find adventure and camp with a puppy in your life.  It just requires a little bit of extra preparation, a sensible approach, and a dog-friendly setting.  June long weekend, we took five-month-old Aster on her first camping trip.  As first-time puppy parents we were optimistic about the trip because Aster […]

Adventures with Aster

Adventures with Aster the Bernese Mountain Dog

If I’m being honest, I am pretty exhausted. I am happy, in love, surprised, excited, feeling accomplished, feeling like a failure, full of awe, grateful, and tired. So…very…tired. A bit of a catchup It’s amazing how much can change in a few weeks, or even a few months. Last year was full of disappointment: COVID-19 […]